Sunday, January 15, 2012

Beautiful scientist calls a galaxy at least 500 million planets appropriate life lives

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Occupy researcher of United States of report of Xinhua News Agency 19 days to say, the galaxy is put in at least 50 billion planet, among them at least 500 million are located in not quite not quite cold, hot also, may appropriate life lives " fitting room celestial or heavenly body is taken " .

Bureau of American country aerospace " open general to strap " Boluciji and its group were in · of Williams of chief scientist of aerospace binoculars project mountain t shirts that day the planet that this announces to predict on annual meeting of American Association for the Advancement of Science " census result " .

Boluciji says, researcher according to is local sky free loony tunes golden observation result, estimation galaxy star has planetary possibility. The result shows, star of h the most popular loony tunes golden alf the numb most popular selling mountain t shirts er has a planet, and likelihood not merely; The star of 1/200 is had at " fitt the best selling plant lights ing room celestial or heavenly body is ta travel mugs stainlessken " planet.

brooch pinsCome for years, many scientists think the galaxy has about 100 billi free plant lights on star. Nevertheless, a scientist put forward American Yale last year, g free furniture light alaxy star amount may be close to 300 billion.

Show level, "Open general to strap " the celestial or heavenly body that binoculars already found 1235 in the galaxy may be a planet, among them 54 are in those who suit life existence " fitting room celestial or heavenly body is taken " .

Additional, scientific group thinks generally, the galaxy of similar plant lights galaxy still has about 100 billion.

Bolu the best selling plantronic wireless headset ciji says, since the universe is medium existence so much is likely the heavenly body of existence life, people can'ts help can asking " why they don't visit us " . The answer is: "I also do not know " .

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