Sunday, January 15, 2012

Premier of media exposure meaning sends belly dance woman 24 gifts detailed list

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Song Hua of reporter of round-the-world times engage by special arrangement reports England " daily telecommunications signs up for " reported on Feburary 20, italian inquisitor sues the file of premier Beilusikeni to show, the central character of case of prostitu free plant lights te of cheeper of go whoring of Ceng Xiang of shellfish Lu Si Keni gave 24 gifts, the total p the most popular selling travel mugs stainless rices of the gift is worth nearly 200 thousand pound.

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The file says, monicker " the person that steal a heart rash than " woman of nightclub belly dance blocks Lim the most popular travel mugs stainless plant lights a Maihelujie to be in from Beilusikeni obtained a large number of gifts, include watch of two labor person among them (among them value of a watch 50 thousand euro) , a value the amice of red fox skin of 18000 euro the most popular selling plantronic wireless headset . Beilusikeni returns acceptance to send her R8 of an Ao Di. Maihelujie still is in from Beilusikeni obtained a value that by Walunzazhu treasure business Recarlo makes the diamond necklace of 15000 euro. Beilusikeni is during christmas the ring that 24 females assemblyman and 13 senator give Ceng Xiang to be made by Recarlo.

12 volt adaptorMaihelujie says to investigating personnel: "The person that sends necklace to me is Beilusikeni. I ever had met twice in Aerkelei and him. " this is the villa that shows Beilusikeni is located in Milanese outskirts, the hearsay says Beilusikeni ever was last year inside this villa after holding late dinner " drink to excess is orgiastic " the clique is right.

Undertook to Maihelujie last year when inquisitor the most popular plant lights interrogatory when, maihelujie still says, beilusi most popular selling loony tunes golden keni is in the Valentine's Day still gave special gift to her that day 2010, read aloud two people in order to write down to meet first. Special gift is one enchases the red black that has strange pearl of Shi Hualuo world to cover with tiles Nuo of human relations the base of a fruit grows skirt.

norton internet antivirusGift detailed list still includes a series of the advanced shoe of Fan Saizhe brand, diamond bracelets, condole dropping, ring, dangler, a lot of enchase have diamond and colourful violet brilliant. The advanced brand that Maihelujie likes most includes Baogeli and Difuni, a Shihualuo engraves the abbreviate that has her most popular selling furniture light nickname even on the diamond bracelet that the world surprises to be made with Difuni. Beilusikeni free furniture light returns acceptance to want to give her R8 of an Ao Di, but this one acceptance never cashs.

Maihelujie still says, beilusikeni still gave a very costly breastpin to her, breastpin is in Milan ritzy business street is cheated carry what buy on Napoleon street. She says to inquisitor: "In fact, he tells me, my low mouth ought not to too low. Breastpin can arrive since the help conceal effect. Breastpin can arrive since the help conceal effect..

Maihelujie claims, she still obtained Na Shihua of class of a Du Jia Luo Shiji is advanced watch. She says, beilusikeni gives this watch her, because,be " I tell him I do not like labor person watch " . When the amice of red fox skin that speaks of Beilusikeni giving her, she says she is very curious, want to know the value of this gift, enquire then, the value that discovers it is 18000 euro.

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Introduction Maihelujie that Fei De of compere of the friend with most close relationship, as famous as Beilusikeni TV has at that time 17 years old only gives Beilusikeni. Beilusikeni ever invited her to attend private evening dinner last year. Inquisitor says, beilusikeni ever had seen Maihelujie 15 times, two people had undertaken the phone chats to communicate with the short message 67 times in all. Maihelujie denies him to ever had produ the most popular plantronic wireless headset ced sexual relationship with Beilusikeni, but she says, beilusikeni ever presented count to her gift and 7000 euro cash, because Beilusikeni sympathizes with her place. Beilusikeni claims all the time oneself never are bought spring.

Beilusikeni of 74 years old already was made accept judgement at was in Milan on April 6, the accusation that he faces is prostitute of go whoring cheeper and abusive influence. Ever abused its according to weighing Beilusikeni so that powers and authorities of office makes stride He Lujie get-off, she was detained by police because of pilfer accusation in May 2010. Beilusikeni still will be faced with the heavy careful of the case additionally 3 cases, he is accused in these cases evade taxes and corruption.

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