Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Zealand of reporter close all previous overcomes strange earthquake of thorough of Lai Si spy

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Xinhua net New Zealand overcomes thorough of Lai Si spy to surprise on Feburary 23 free plantronic wireless headset report (report a Wang Hao) on Feburary 22, my as usual handles official bussiness before computer. Abrupt, the office begins acuteness shake, leave desk to take an entrance instinctively, helping a table up to await aftershock to stop... mere a few seconds, feel very dizzy however, the thing of bookshelf, desktop declines in succession, be born glazing is rare in whole and broken, the fire alarm inside the building rings...

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See the best selling loony tunes golden exact time without time, but at that time is lunch time.

In a few minutes rock stops eventually. The Kelaisiteche that the office is in is strange downtown, range marker sex builds cathedral square to be less than 100 meters. Time of smooth meridian midday always has many leisurely and comfortable people to drinking coffee here, ad the most popular selling travel mugs stainless mire old building, but today, everything is changed thoroughly!

Step down office building, the situation that see is: Railroad car orbit resembles an area piece be torn off euqally, the ground is gushing water of slop, muddy, the cathedral fastigium of far has collapsed, the shop wall that faces a market collapses, shopwindow is broken. The people all over the body that escapes is dust, on some people face, there is blood stream to fall on the head, everybody gathers in small square, all over the face terrified, helpless...

satin pjsGram of the best selling plantronic wireless headset the biggest city bilks the island austral New Zealand Siteche is strange local time 22 days 12 w the most popular plantronic wireless headset hen 51 minutes (Beijing time 7 when 51 minutes) produce earthquake of 6.3 on the Richter scale, the epicenter is apart from the earth's surface only 5 kilometers, be apart from populous downtown only 10 kilometers, cause personal casualty, the city is sufferred inflict heavy losses on.

After seismic happening counts a hour, the crossing near downtown already was closed, ambulance, fire engine runs quickly back and forth, can see helicopter is pensile cistern flies back and forth in the sky of far, should be over there already collapsed and the Kantebailei of on fire TV building, many people are pressed in broken rubble, life and death was not gp xbox

In a crossing, an old grey brick church illuminates as the incomplete in wind, cave in of two sides wall, a huge black deficit is below inclined housetop of remain, and the most popular mountain t shirts the finger that indicates the gender builds bell tower stops in 12 when free furniture light the seat that controls 50 minutes.

Going all the way, look at. Somebody is wrapping around the rug wanders around the building, they said to had not returned the home; The mother is protecting the chi the most popular plant lights ld to defend in courtyard center on the side of outdoors table; The youth shrinks in the car end case that starts rear cover; A lot of old people of old person apartment round white sheet, one face sits on ha-ha absently, they say the house is insecure, want to waiting outside first, some old people return smooth foot.

Subsequently, I build a suitable windmill to come home, driving boy says he works in a cafeteria, inside the cafeteria when the earthquake in a moment book of a wolf, place favour cafeteria faces a market, all clients were removed immediately, get hurt without the person. The boy's family is restful also.

In returning the home, every picture that in seeing TV, broadcasts makes a person heavy-hearted. A New Zealand is the darkest day, people is being experienced so. At pre the most popular furniture light sent the earthquake already cau the most popular selling the most popular selling sed death of at least 75 people, 300 people are missing, hundreds person is injured, on 1000 peoples are homeless.

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